Türkiye Emlak Katılım Bankası A.Ş. internet sitesini ziyaretiniz esnasında kullanılabilecek çerezler ve benzeri teknolojiler hakkında bilgi vermek amacıyla işbu Çerez Politikası’nı hazırlanmıştır.
Thanks to Credit Life Insurance, you don’t leave your loved ones in a difficult situation in case of any probable disability or death. Remaining credit balance is paid by your bank within the scope of the policy.
Death or Disability Benefit as a result of an accident: In the event of a probable death or disability during the insurance period, remaining credit amount as of the date of loss is paid to the bank.
The guarantee amount and policy period are in compliance with the credit amount received and the payment plan. As the policy holder pays the credit debt, the guarantee amount decreases as well.
In the event of death of the policy holder, his/her credit debt is paid off from the guarantee amount and the remaining amount, if any, is paid to the beneficiaries.
Furthermore, in the event of an unexpected job loss, you can also include unemployment coverage into your policy to avoid non-payment of your credit instalments. Thus, you can comprehensively guarantee and secure your credit repayments.
Unemployment Coverage: Provided to have continuously worked at the same workplace for at least 180 days and completed the 90-day exemption period, those policy holders who have been found eligible to receive unemployment allowance from İŞKUR can benefit from this coverage. For each full month of unemployment until finding a new job (maximum 4 months), compensation amount equal to involuntary unemployment insurance is paid. You must have worked for 90 days following the starting date of insurance and unemployment period must continue at least for 30 days following date of unemployment.
Tax Advantage
You can deduct from tax all the premium amounts that you pay for you, your spouse and children under age 18 provided not to exceed the amount specified below
Credit Life Insurance is offered by Katılım Emeklilik.
Emlak Katılım is the agent of Katılım Emeklilik A.Ş.